domingo, 15 de fevereiro de 2009

E.S. Posthumus > Estremoz

Retirado da wikipedia

"E.S. Posthumus is an independent music group that produces cinematic style music. It is a form of epic classical that fuses intertwined drum beats with orchestral and electronic sounds."

"Unearthed, the first album composed by E.S. Posthumus, was originally made available for purchase online through the CD Baby website in January 2001. It became the third-biggest selling album in CDBaby's history. The success of the album prompted the wide re-release to retail in May 2005."

"In keeping with the theme of "all things past", each of the thirteen tracks on the album is named after an ancient and abandoned or destroyed city. However, Nara and Estremoz are the only cities on the album to survive to this day."

Link para a página da wikipedia


1 comentário:

Ali_Bute disse...

Há uns anos cometi a asneira de sacar esta musica do velhinho emule, uma sinfonia qualquer fraquinha que faz lembrar uma banda sonora daquelas á canal História.
Ainda devo ter isso num ficheiro perdido quando encontrar posto aqui.
